Breaking News’s & Announcements

New Address:

Michael McGuire
FOY Ministry
P.O. Box 1232
Gwinn, Mi. 49841
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Shalom and Welcome to the official Followers of Yah website!

What makes us different from other Ministries? We are a 100% free Ministry! No gimmicks, no strings attached or hidden fine print. Checkout the Learning Center for all the exciting and highly Educational Spiritual Food for you and the entire family. Even fun activities too! Can’t sit in front of your computer that long? Then visit our shop so you can order the free Materials & Literature we have available! Twice a year we publish new stuff. To be sure you know when we have new additions to our site, Please Subscribe! Don’t forget if you are in need of fellowship that we have a worldwide contact directory, chat room, forums and more! Thank you for visiting our site and we hope it can be a wonderful blessing to you and your family.

Our Mission is to spread the (Besorah), The Good News of Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the only brought forth Son of Yahuwah (Yah-hoo-wah)! We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to hear the truth; whether we reach viewers via the internet here on our website, YouTube, Facebook, through our published books, tracts, DVDs or street witnessing. Everyone should have the opportunity to know the Good News of the Messiah and the truth of the Father Yahuwah.

This is just one of the reasons why everything on our website is free. Not everyone can afford to purchase teaching materials and we do not want this to hinder those who cannot afford. We want to share these truths we have discovered with everyone who has “eyes to see and ears to hear” (Matthew 13:16).

Matthew 24:14 tells us that ‘once the Good News is proclaimed to all the nations of the world, the end shall come’. This is our desire, to reach as much of the world as best as we can. That is why we have so many different methods of witnessing. We are blowing the Ram’s Horn in these last days from one end of the earth to the other. We are spreading the message worldwide! HalleluYAH! .

We are NOT associated with any man-made denomination. Amongst the 2,000+ denominations, men are allowed to stand at the buffet table, picking and choosing what looks, feels and sounds good to their flesh, while having their ears tickled at the same time. .

Sadly, when they leave the buffet table they are empty, never being fully fed! Truly, this world is in a spiritual famine. Billions are indeed lacking the manna, “The Bread of Life” (John 6:48) that can only come from, Yahushua Ha Mashiach! Some are always learning, yet they have never come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7). They seem to have a form of reverence, but deny the power thereof (2 Timothy 3:5). Yet others have been blinded by the adversary of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and have not received the love of the truth that they might be saved! (2 Thessalonians 2:10) .

Many love darkness, so that their deeds may not be seen! (John 3:19). We know that one will stumble in the dark! And if the blind leads the blind then both shall fall into a ditch!(Matthew 15:14) Their only hope from the darkness is the light. That one true light is Yahushua Ha Mashiach! Babylon”. This malt is filled with lukewarm wolves in sheep’s clothing. They add a pinch of truth to the already pagan idolatry mixture. When the mixing is done, what remains is a wishy-washy watered-down foundation of man’s untempered mortar! .

The one true foundation was and still is Yahushua Ha Mashiach (1 Corinthians 3:11). After the true foundation of Yahushua Ha Mashiach is built, the walls of obedience shall be constructed. In the event one does not have Him as the foundation, but instead theirs is built on man’s untempered mortar… it will fall! .

These ones are not called to come out of her only to go back into the confusion, under a different label! They have fully come out and have been engrafted into the olive tree (Romans 11:17) and have become the branches. In the process they have been shunned by friends, co-workers and family members, made fun of and called all sorts of names. They make up the whole house of Yisrael (Israel), both Yahudah (Judah) and Ephrayim, with one Sovereign (King) shepherding them, Yahushua Ha Mashiach! .

We teach about the Scriptures from the Scriptures. We do not claim to have all of the answers. Don’t take our word for what you find here on our website. Open your Bible and see for yourself that we back up ALL of our claims from Scripture to the best of our knowledge. We don’t take credit for anything, we give all thanks, praise and esteem to our Father Yahuwah. .

On our website and throughout our publications, you will not find the use of the pagan titles of God and Lord. Neither will you find us referring to the Messiah, Yahushua with the Greek Name of Jesus. Flipping through your Bible, one can discover that the Father and His Son’s Name is great, Mighty and Powerful. Since our Father Yahuwah deems His Name important we do also. Because of this, we will not make His Name vain, empty, useless or unimportant by covering it up and not useing it.

We acknowledge Yahushua Ha Mashiach as our Messiah, High Priest, Rabbi (Master), Mediator. Yahushua Ha Mashiach is our Bridegroom. We, believers, make up the body of Mashiach (Messiah) and we are the Bride. As all brides, we must prepare ourselves for the Bridegroom! We need to keep our relationship with our Bridegroom pure, not having it defiled with pagan worship, but by keeping the marriage vows because we love HIM! We believe in having our hearts circumcised. We believe the Ten Commandments are the marriage vows to the Bride. We are the Bride. We believe in repentance, turning back around to Him, being fully immersed in HIS Name (Yahushua) and then being obedient. We believe that Yahushua Ha Mashiach is the Word that was in the beginning. He was and still is the Son of the living El. He is the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:1, 1:14). .

We strongly believe Yahuwah is calling HIS people out from among the nations (Gentiles) and the religious confusion (Revelation 18:4). We believe the Ruach Ha Qodesh has been poured out and the dry bones will be re-gathered (Ezekiel 37). The two sticks (two houses of Israel) will be one in Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Galatians 3:28). We believe when the Bride has prepared herself the Bridegroom will then return to us and we will return and enjoy the Marriage Supper.

We try to obey all of the Ten Commandments, which includes the observance of the Seventh Day Sabbath, on Saturday. We believe the Sabbath, (as with all the other days of the week) begins at Sunset and ends at Sunset. As with the Ten Commandments, we also believe in the observance of the Moral Laws of the Torah (The First Five Books of Moses). In result, we also celebrate the Feast Days of Leviticus chapter 23 and follow the dietary laws of the clean and unclean meats that is listed in Leviticus chapter 11; amongst many other things. We do not believe in the celebration of today’s modern holidays the world celebrates today. We believe only celebrating the festivals commanded in the Scriptures. Please do not confuse the Torah with the Talmud. We are strongly against the observance & obedience of the Talmud. The Talmud is the bondage Yahushua spoke about towards the Pharisees concerning their “Traditions of Men”. In fact, in the original Hebrew, ‘Traditions of Men’ is translated as, “the Jewish Law, the Oral Tradition”. If you have any questions or want more information about our beliefs you can view our many teachings in the learning center. .

Sir Winston Churchill once said, “Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across the truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off and hurry about their business as if nothing had happened.” .

Isn’t that sad? We, followers of Yahushua Ha Mashiach, believe you have come across the truth. It is up to you, on what you do with the truth! Will you brush yourself off? Will you act as if nothing has happened? Or will you walk in the light, carrying on the truth? The truth that there is only one narrow road to take to get to heaven, that road is called Yahushua Ha Mashiach. We cannot go around the back alley, nor can we take the many broad roads, there is just the narrow one. .

Whether you are new in the Faith, or have known Yahuwah’s Truths your entire life. If you are curious or just passing though, this is the place to go. Start Learning Now! >

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer watching videos rather than reading articles. We have an amazing growing collection of teaching videos we know you will enjoy! Start Watching! >

We have fun Scripture Activities that you can print at home and enjoy; You, Your Family, Friends and even your Fellowship Group! Let’s Get Started! >


We, the F.O.Y. ministry are taking a nationwide tour. We will go to as many cities as we are able, having FREE Imposter showings and stopping at local fairs, flea markets, etc. We will also be giving away some free books, tracts and DVDs. It’s time to invite all to hear the truth. Our desire is to go from the East Coast to the West Coast proclaiming and warning the people of the coming Strong Delusion!

We have been on tour since 2011 traveling to as many cities as we can to spread the Truth of Yahuwah, His Commands, the Message of the Messiah, Yahushua and the coming false one who will claim to be the Messiah, that one is The Imposter. Discerning the difference between Yahushua and the Imposter is very detrimental to our salvation. Would you like us to come to your city? Send us a message and we’ll look into adding you to our schedule! Would you like us to come to your area? Can you help find us a building/meeting room to rent for a showing, a flea market to setup at? Or do you just want us to come visit?
Contact Us! >

Will you be able to discern the difference? Order your free DVD about the coming Imposter today! . .

The time is coming and is now here when the secret elite will orchestrate the biggest delusion of all time. Since the beginning, the screenplay has been written, every line carefully thought out. The stage known as planet earth is going through its final transformation. The actors know their lines; they have been practicing for years. Props are about finished and the blue beams are in place. There is no shortage of extras; all want a piece of this pie! The cloned shells have been glamorized, waiting to be possessed appearing as messengers of light. The last make-up call will soon be heard as the wolves scramble to put on the sheep’s clothing. The fence… completely empty, because the lukewarmers are starting to get cold. The directors are working out the last flaws while the world leaders give their allegiance. . .

The World is Ready, Are You?!?


Thank you so very much for the materials that you sent me. I am so excited about receiving them. I am sharing these materials with my group. I received them on my Shabbat, how awesome. On my Shabbat. Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much. I can't thank you enough. May the FATHER bless you with all that…
Your ministry has open my eyes wide. I was an ordained deacon i left the church, wasn't getting full. I always felt something was missing and felt deceit but couldnt put my hand on it, until Yahuwah guide my steps now, I will trust him with all my heart, mind, body and soul. I also felt lord and god was…
I've seen the info you guys have here. It is great!! Thank you so much for what you do. May Yah Bless you. Shalom, Carlos
Shalom, I am just so grateful for the information being shared to enable us to share the Good News! I am so excited about being to share the truth among friends & family.
I found your site and I'm really digging it! I see that you are having a restored name Bible giveaway every month, that's cool, I'm going to sign up next month, I went to their site but I can't afford their bible so I'll have to try for the free version, I thank you for the opportunity though!
Todah for the updates, brethren in Mashyiach. I was pleased to gather up the news of your recent activities. I commend every one in your ministry for their tireless efforts to spread the Besorah. We all realize that in the Last Times, it is imperative to be busy sowing seed for the Kingdom. I mainly choose to write you to…
HalleluYah I received the DVDs and have allready watched False Armageddon. It was some of the best end time teaching that I have ever heard! I am 69 and have been in "church" all my life. In 1999 I came across some writtings on The Name and Sabbath keeping. I found a small group in Emery Tx that used the name YAHWEH.…
Shalom, First I would like to congradulate you and your team for the wonderful work being done in Yahuwah's name, I use to be a five percenter for thirty years never thought I would be called out of that, but Elohim had another plan for me. I became a christian who later was ordained as a deacon seven years, but Elohim wasn't finished with…
I personally am loving this walk and enjoying every minute of it. What ever information that you can send me will be greatly appreciated. Grace
Here with me and my wife wish to thank you for the video sets which you forwarded to us . We received it and just want you to know it has already touched the lifes of those dear ones hanging on to churhes trying to do the right thing. We hope that we will have the honour of meeting you…
I sent many people your latest newsletter. I was pleased to read and see this latest one.
Thank you for sending such a great and true message. How true your question is: If we are not proclaiming Yahweh's message and warning now in this easier time, how will we fare when the nation is locked down? A most excellent and timely exhortation. May Yahweh keep y'all under His wing. May He provide all you need.
Thank you for the package. I received it just yesterday and am yet to view and digest the material. Thank you for your continued work in spreading the message of Yahushua! Stay blessed!
I have downloaded a lot of your materials for me and my family's perusal, we are so blessed by your ministry but alas we are in South Africa Cape Town to benefit from some of your materials like dvds and the ISR set apart books.
The Followers of Yah ministry appears, from all the literature I have read and the videos you have produced, to be a very well informed group of “set apart” believers. Your research, from what I can see, is impeccable. You have studied out many of the truths of Yahuwah God's word that not many have been able to distinguish in…
We have recently begun re-watching your dvds again,and they are just so wonderful!! We sent out some of the literature to some friends and brothers and sisters,and they too were very blessed!
Thank you very much I hope to obtain all the DVDS you have as my friend as highly recommended them. shalom
Love your dvds,booklets,website and newsletter! Me and my family have been so blessed by the FOY Ministry. -Paulina
I just got a chance to read on of your paper books called, "The Imposter" and I found the book really, really interesting. It hit a nerve in my heart and really made open my eyes to some things in the world I really didn't focus on before.
Thank you so much for the full packet of information you folks blessed me with. I was so amazed and excited. Thank you so very much! As I read and watched the videos, I then pass everything on to others who show interest in what I have. Yahushua has truly blessed us through you and I am grateful! -Edna
These booklets have opened my eyes to key Scripture phrases as to the timing of end time events. It has also made me more aware of the demonic unity between religious organizations and world governmenmts. Thank you for the watchmens cry. -Nick
Today I have received the package with some great DVDs and Folders to give away for Christmas - Hanukkah and to learn about the coming imposter - Thank you all so much for your support and kindness - It was very fast shipped all the way to the Netherlands. We are very excited to get to know this information -…
yes I did receive the package last month one of everything thank you so much for sending it. your ministry is in my prayers often may you all be protected mightily and your message move far and wide free from the attack of the enemy always covered by the father YHWH and our wonderful salvation YESHUA. Shalom
The Imposter movie needs to be in the hands of everyone. it’s very detailed and well done. you may have many peices to the puzzle but man does this put it all together. who are you up against? and why? it may suprise you but the spirit will reveal and bare witness. if at first it doesn’t sit well with you,watch…

New Address:

Michael McGuire
FOY Ministry
P.O. Box 1232
Gwinn, Mi. 49841

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