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[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Free Store Home >> Activities[/heading] Fun Scriptural Activities for the whole family. Free to download onto your PC and print at home for you, your family and even for your fellowship! We are in the process of moving all of our activities onto this page. Please check back later and the rest will be uploaded and available for download. [separator height=”5″] If you would like to contribute to our Activities by sending your own to be available here please send an email to activity@followersofyah.com [hr]
Coloring Pages
Crossword Puzzles
“Who Am I?” Games
[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Free Store Home >> Activities >> “Who Am I?” Games[/heading] Fun Scriptural Activities for the whole family. Free to download onto your PC and print at home for you, your family and even for your fellowship! [separator height=”5″] The Classic “Who Am I?” Game. You may know the story from the Scriptures but do you know the names? These “Who Am I?” games are fun and yet challenging for all ages, young and old! [separator height=”5″] If you would like to contribute to our Activities by sending in your own “Who Am I?” Games in to be available here please send an email to activity@followersofyah.com [hr]
Word Search Puzzles
Question & Answer
The Scriptures 2009 edition is a literal translation of the Scriptures in English. This translation has restored the original book order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Tanak, and restored the Name of the Most High, YHWH, which appears in Hebrew characters throughout as: יהוה The Names of all the books in the Tanak are restored to the original Hebrew. The traditional rendering of the word “Law” has been restored with “Torah” throughout the translation, retaining the richness and full meaning of this word in the Hebrew language. The name by which the Messiah was known, Yahushua, is restored in Hebrew as well and appears in the text as such, יהושע. The original Hebrew personal names of people and places are restored throughout the Scriptures, such as “Yirmeyahu” for Jeremiah, “Yeshayahu”, for Isaiah and “Mosheh” for Moses and in the Messianic Scriptures, “Mattithyahu” for Matthew etc. Words and names, as far as possible, have been corrected in order to eliminate any names of idolatrous origin. The books in the Tanak are arranged according to the original order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings and the Second Writings.
E-Sword Bible Download
ISR Scriptures Soft Cover Bible
ISR Scriptures Download for E-Sword
Shalom and Welcome to Followers of Yah’s FREE Music for Yahuwah! It is such a blessing to praise Yahuwah with sing and praise. HalleluYAH! We have music from six different artists & musicians. Enjoy! If you have any music that uses the Sacred Names of the Father and Son that you would like to be freely available to download please send an email to music@FollowersofYah.com
Soft Cover Books
We try to offer our teachings as books for offline reading at home. If there is a book you are interested in and it is not in stock check beck next month as our inventory is replenished each month. If you don’t want to wait to have a book mailed to you or if you don’t want to wait until next month for it to be in stock you can DOWNLOAD the E-Book for free right now!
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[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Free Store Home >> Activities[/heading] Fun Scriptural Activities for the whole family. Free to download onto your PC and print at home for you, your family and even for your fellowship! We are in the process of moving all of our activities onto this page. Please check back later and the rest will be uploaded and available for download. [separator height=”5″] If you would like to contribute to our Activities by sending your own to be available here please send an email to activity@followersofyah.com [hr]
Coloring Pages
Crossword Puzzles
“Who Am I?” Games
[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Free Store Home >> Activities >> “Who Am I?” Games[/heading] Fun Scriptural Activities for the whole family. Free to download onto your PC and print at home for you, your family and even for your fellowship! [separator height=”5″] The Classic “Who Am I?” Game. You may know the story from the Scriptures but do you know the names? These “Who Am I?” games are fun and yet challenging for all ages, young and old! [separator height=”5″] If you would like to contribute to our Activities by sending in your own “Who Am I?” Games in to be available here please send an email to activity@followersofyah.com [hr]
Word Search Puzzles
Question & Answer
The Scriptures 2009 edition is a literal translation of the Scriptures in English. This translation has restored the original book order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Tanak, and restored the Name of the Most High, YHWH, which appears in Hebrew characters throughout as: יהוה The Names of all the books in the Tanak are restored to the original Hebrew. The traditional rendering of the word “Law” has been restored with “Torah” throughout the translation, retaining the richness and full meaning of this word in the Hebrew language. The name by which the Messiah was known, Yahushua, is restored in Hebrew as well and appears in the text as such, יהושע. The original Hebrew personal names of people and places are restored throughout the Scriptures, such as “Yirmeyahu” for Jeremiah, “Yeshayahu”, for Isaiah and “Mosheh” for Moses and in the Messianic Scriptures, “Mattithyahu” for Matthew etc. Words and names, as far as possible, have been corrected in order to eliminate any names of idolatrous origin. The books in the Tanak are arranged according to the original order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings and the Second Writings.
E-Sword Bible Download
ISR Scriptures Soft Cover Bible
ISR Scriptures Download for E-Sword
Shalom and Welcome to Followers of Yah’s FREE Music for Yahuwah! It is such a blessing to praise Yahuwah with sing and praise. HalleluYAH! We have music from six different artists & musicians. Enjoy! If you have any music that uses the Sacred Names of the Father and Son that you would like to be freely available to download please send an email to music@FollowersofYah.com
Soft Cover Books
We try to offer our teachings as books for offline reading at home. If there is a book you are interested in and it is not in stock check beck next month as our inventory is replenished each month. If you don’t want to wait to have a book mailed to you or if you don’t want to wait until next month for it to be in stock you can DOWNLOAD the E-Book for free right now!
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Category: Shalom (Peace)
Shalom (Peace)
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