If you love Me, My commandments you shall keep,
If you love Me, feed and teach My sheep,
In gross disobedience all of Yisra’el has gone astray,
I AM the Good Shepherd and by
My Blood Covenant I have made the Way,
For My sheep to return to Torah and follow it and obey,
I send you out to find them and show them the Way,
Shining My Love and Light which is My Torah,
You are a branch of My Menorah,
Be filled with My Oil which is My Spirit,
Others are drawn and want to be near it,
My Fruit of Love, Joy and Peace,
All the world is seeking these,
Abide in Me and bear all My Fruit,
You are a branch and I AM the Root,
You can do all things through Me,
Abiding in My Love and Commandments is the key,
Without Me you can do nothing,
Without My Love you are nothing,
To Know Me is to Love Me,
To Love Me is to Obey Me,
If you love Me, My commandments you shall keep,
If you love Me, feed and teach My sheep.