Shalom and Greetings to all the Called-Out Ones scattered abroad! We pray everyone had a blessed Pesach Passover/Unleavened Bread celebration! May this current newsletter find everyone being blessed, ever-growing in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Now more than ever, we need those three important keys, so that we can rightly discern.
This Newsletter will not be as in-depth as the previous ones. We have been on the road the last seven months taking the National Imposter Tour. Thus we have been moving from state to state, covering as many places as we can during these last few months. We are excited to share, that we currently have a lot of projects going on.
We hope to bring some of them to completion by the next time the Newsletter goes out. All in Yahuwah’s timing of course. We always give Yahuwah esteem in making these newsletters available to the Body of Mashiach!!
I’m amazed at how drastic the last six months has changed, are you? Truly, time is moving ever closer to the Planned Armageddon, the unveiling of the coming Imposter along with the upcoming Crusade, also known as Jacobs Trouble. Let’s us, “Behold The Signs Of The Times!”
In this newsletter, we will share some ideals on what Called Out Ones should be doing during these last days to reach the lost sheep. We will also examine current global events. This includes the escalation of the Noahide Laws being recognized as the moral laws in which all nations (excluding the state of Israel) will be forced to abide by. However, before the Noahide Laws can be enforced, the entire world will have to accept a new age form of monotheism. Without a doubt, the year 2016 was the year this new age concept was jump-started, in a religious global uniting of all faiths! The Pope played a major role, being the wedding planner in all, sending out the invitations while trying to convince the world we all worship the same deity! The world is being put in the proper position in accepting the coming Imposter!
The present state of the world, recently witnessed a major shove towards prophesy being fulfilled. The Elite have been expecting the herd to react just as planned. Their hard work of years’ worth of the dumbing down of society, fearmongering, brainwashing along with desensitizing the masses, has finally paid off. We are witnessing first hand manifestations of this on a global scale! Within the last six months, there has been a major shift towards one total chaotic world. Standing outside the box, looking in I see these events for what it is, organized chaos! How about you?
You see once the blind-fold has been removed, each of us should view these current events with new insight! Therefore, not being transformed to the matters of this current earth age, we can stand outside of the entrapment watching in amazement of how quickly the world is being duped! Check yourself beloved ones! If you find yourself being mesmerized and ensnared into this emotional turmoil, then I beseech you to get out N-O-W!!! Do not get emotionally entangled into the worldly affairs. Matters are only going to get worse, diving deeper and deeper into a dark state of despair. Once a person gets drawn into this orchestrated chaos, they eventually end up in an emotional bottomless pit full of negative feelings such as hate, bitterness, wrath, anger and confusion; just to name a few. Sadly, from sea to sea and everything in between, people have become cruel, brutal and down-right vicious. The love of many has waxed cold (Matthew 24:12)! What is the reason? How could our kind, the human kind, resort to such barbaric ways? The answer is quite simple, as we had been forewarned this would be the outcome of a law-less (Torah-less) people! Yet those who claim to follow Torah including those who preach the golden rule, are no doubt some of the worst influences out there! I’m appalled at the things I have seen within the faith! None of us are perfect, that is a fact. However, and more importantly, Yahushua told us, “A renewed command I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” “By this shall all know that you are My taught ones, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35). If we can’t even get it right, how can we expect those outside of the faith too? Remember, we are outside of the box of organized religion. Thus, we have a greater accountability (1 Peter 4:17).
In this newsletter, we also wanted to cover and share with everyone our recent Imposter tour stops! This wave of our National Imposter tour, was amazing! This trip started in Oklahoma, then we took a stop in Texas to fellowship with other believers during Sukkot. Next, we went to Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky with a nice stop at The Ark Encounter. From there we ventured down south. Some of the southern states we ministered to were Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. We had a wonderful time meeting, talking, fellowshipping and ministering to others.
Planning the different regions to visit during the year takes a lot of time, energy and funds (to get an idea of the ministry cost click here). We save money through-out the year to be able to afford to take the Nationwide Imposter tour. Our desire is to present the Besorah to those who are suffering from the spiritual deprivation that sadly is so wide spread:
“See, days are coming,” declares the Master Yahuwah, “that I shall send a hunger in the land, not a hunger for bread, nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the Words of Yahuwah! -Amos 8:11
Our main objection, is to feed those who are suffering in this famine by “giving them meat in this season” (Matthew 24:45). We are told to, “…go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) I am thus reminded:
“For everyone who calls on the Name of Yahuwah shall be saved.” How then shall they call on HIM in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in HIM of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without one proclaiming? And how shall they proclaim if they are not sent? As it has been written, “How pleasant are the feet of those who bring the Good News of peace, who bring the Good News of the good!’” -Romans 10:13-15
We are reaching out to those who would not normally hear the truth about the Torah and Yahushua during this Nationwide Imposter Tour. The fact is, numerous people faithfully go to their local ear tickling convention (church) every week. As they drink the toxic Kool-aide made up of wishy-washy doctrines of demons, they feel G-O-O-D! They leave the weekly pep rally, emotional high. However, by mid-week (sooner for most) the terrible hunger pains takes hold of them. I’ve seen this time and time again. I am thus reminded that it has been written, “…they shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east-they shall diligently search, seeking the Word of Yahuwah, but they shall not find it.” (Amos 8:12)
Millions are indeed filling those pews and/or bleacher seats on Sunday morning, Sunday evening and then attending Wednesday night services and guess what? They are not finding the TRUTH, Brothers and Sisters! How devastating is that???? To make matters worse they are,
“…always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:7). Why is that? “Because they did not receive the love the truth, in order for them to be saved.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
We are witnessing the dire effects of a population that is being feed toxic spiritual truths! I won’t go into the devastating effects on how the moment someone eats a toxic food their metabolism can be damaged thus causing physical distress on the body. However, I will ask each of you to ponder on the grievous outcome to those who are not hearing the truth. Instead they are being fed toxic teachings, found within the majority of churches today. The demonic lies will indeed be so toxic that it will cause them eternal death! That will be their current state if you, do not start proclaiming and using your ministry to further the coming Kingdom. This is the real, “walking dead!” That is how serious this is Brothers and Sisters! This is where those of us here at the FOY ministry come in. The FOY ministry has been reaching out to those who would not normally hear these truths found within the FOY publications. This is the reason for the National Imposter Tour. Sure, we can do all this through the website, our tracts, our books and even our DVD’s. However, most of these people are searching while having access to the internet. What about those who don’t have access to the internet? Well, we got that covered! The National Imposter Tour is indeed reaching those who do not have access to the internet and/or who knows something is missing in their lives but they just cannot figure out what that “it” is.
We are seeing this firsthand. I speak a truth, we are living in fascinating times! The people we have met while taking the National Imposter Tour are hungry. I’ve seen their face expression change, as they hold our DVD’s. Once dim faces, suddenly are filled with hope. We praise Yahuwah for this work that He is allowing us to do! Rejoice with us Brothers and Sisters!

Here are some of our recent tour stops:
1.Ardmore, OK
2.Gainesville, TX
3.Brookeville, IN
4.Williamstown, KY
5.Monroe, OH 1 & 2
6.Richwood, KY
7.Panama City, FL
8.Perry, FL
9.Tallahassee, FL
10.Bascom, FL
11.Dothan, AL
12.Gulf Breeze, FL
13.Mobile, AL
14.Pass Christian, MS
15.Biloxi, MS
16.New Orleans, LA
17.Gulfport, MS
18.Biloxi, MS
19.St. Louis, MS
20.Pass Christian, MS
21.Biloxi, MS
22.New Orleans, LA
23.West Monroe, LA
Clearly, we have been very busy! Yet traveling is not all fun and games! Sure, traveling can be nice seeing all the beauty that Yahuwah created. However, traveling can also be extremely stressful, especially when traveling over half a year!
We have learned that when a team-player makes that leap from simply believing, to living according to the Torah with Yahushua as their Sovereign, progressing to the next level of working in the vineyard (by spreading the Besorah of Yahushua), there will be burning darts thrown to hinder all activity! Each of us should not be surprised when we encounter some resistance. Let us not forget:
“Because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, again the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual matters of wickedness in the heavenlies.” -Ephesians 6:12
We truly are in a battle. And there really is an enemy that has a plan to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Have you personally noticed that when you want to witness to someone, share some literature with an unbeliever or simply try to make a song, poem, video or even write something up all sorts of strange things will occur?
Those are simple burning arrows, darts, stumbling blocks trying to hinder you! Have you felt like just quitting? Throwing in the towel? Have you felt that it is not worth it? If you have answered yes to any of those question, guess what?
You’re not the only one! We here at the FOY ministry have had numerous hindrances. Some have been quite shocking! Especially, when it comes to printers, printer parts, shipping issues and other electronic equipment. Other darts thrown at us have ended with miraculous outcomes. For instance, many of you might remember just a few short years ago, Sister Felicia was hit by a truck that was going 70 miles per hour. She did need to be revived more than once. However, the Great Yahuwah had other plans for her!
The FOY ministry has forever been grateful and thankful for everyone who prayed for her during that time. How wonderful it was for believers from all over the world, that came together praying, fasting, and lifting this maiden of Yahuwah up! The FOY ministry has personally encountered a wave of obstacles recently ourselves that we are putting together in a video. Please subscribe for an update when published!
HalleluYah! Praise Yahuwah we are still here! Rejoice with us Brothers and Sisters! Despite all the darts thrown our way, during the last six months, we shared the Besorah with quite a few people. We also blew the Shofar on Yahushua’s prophetic end time events! What a wonderful blessing to freely express the truth openly. As the days are coming when it will be outlawed!
Which brings up the subject that interesting days are ahead for humanity! Without a shadow of doubt, we are getting ever closer to the Great Tribulation (Jacob’s Trouble) followed by the unveiling of the Son of Perdition to the blessed hope of the return of Yahushua, Ha Mashiach!
We hope you are encouraged as you review all the FOY recent tour stops! While on the road, at times we do not get good internet service or even access to the internet at all. For this reason, we were not able to write up many articles this time around. However, we do have some important news regarding the Noahide Laws (Noahide Codes) as there has been some recent activity in trying to bring all nations, people and religions under these Lamb-like laws. We also ask that you take the time out to review the current, “Signs of the Times.” We are living in treacherous times indeed! Oh and by the way, did you get Trumped?
L. McGuire
FOY ministry

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We, the F.O.Y. ministry are taking a nationwide tour. We will go to as many cities as we are able, having FREE Imposter showings and stopping at local fairs, flea markets, etc. We will also be giving away some free books, tracts, DVD’s and music CD’s. It’s time to invite all to hear the truth. Our desire is to go from the East Coast to the West Coast proclaiming and warning the people of the coming Strong Delusion!
If you have ever wanted to get involved in doing any type of ministry work now is your opportunity to help us. We are in need of people to help organize FREE showings in their city. These believers will help find a building for us to rent, a newspaper to promote the event and help pass out fliers announcing the event in their neighborhood. If you are interested please email us and let us know. Remember the F.O.Y. ministry is not just limited to the few workers here but this is Yahuwah’s ministry. If we the Body of Messiah work together lifting Yahushua up, think of what we can do? How many people we can reach? Since we will be doing this on faith we can only do as much as Yahuwah will allow.
Here are some of our recent tour stops:
1.Ardmore, OK
2.Gainesville, TX
3.Brookeville, IN
4.Williamstown, KY
5.Monroe, OH 1 & 2
6.Richwood, KY
7.Panama City, FL
8.Perry, FL
9.Tallahassee, FL
10.Bascom, FL
11.Dothan, AL
12.Gulf Breeze, FL
13.Mobile, AL
14.Pass Christian, MS
15.Biloxi, MS
16.New Orleans, LA
17.Gulfport, MS
18.Biloxi, MS
19.St. Louis, MS
20.Pass Christian, MS
21.Biloxi, MS
22.New Orleans, LA
23.West Monroe, LA

~The Great Tabernacle (Movie)
~The New Moon, when is it and how do we determine its time
~To Your Health – The Importance of the Dietary Laws of Lev 10
~In One’s Day
~Every Idle Word
~Blessings and Cursings
~The Most Wicked Symbol in Witchcraft

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Search Newsletter

Everything playing out right here, right now on the world stage is being orchestrated to deceive you! The satanic agenda to enslave every man, woman, and child through the current mass vaccination program is being unleashed upon humanity. Brothers and Sisters, the book that the prophet Daniel was told to seal has been unsealed. Learn firsthand how the current mass vaccination agenda was foretold.

By L. McGuire
“The dark winter”, beloved ones, I feel is on the horizon! Please prepare now! This will be a double, triple, possible quadruple whammy! I’m talking, food shortages, power outages, cyber-attacks and since the sheeple has now been vaccinated, just as snakes shed their skin, they too will be shedding something!
FOY Bitchute Channel is now up and running. Come check us out over on the Bitchute Channel. We have been using the YouTube platform, in blowing the ram’s horn on the end time deception since 2007! Recently YouTube has been censoring all content. This has resulted in many of our videos being removed. This also led to our channel receiving strikes. Strikes lead to time out, where one cannot post any videos for a certain amount of time. Once our channel receives a strike, we slow up on posting. A few months ago, we had 2 strikes! When a channel receives 3 strikes within a certain amount of time, the channel is removed.
“Deciphering the Mark of the BEAST”
By L. McGuire
Many of you are about to get bit by the snake, if you do not take heed to how poisonous the snake truly is to your eternity. Most of you have only heard lukewarm, watered down versions of what the Mark of the Beast is. Those wolves in sheep’s clothing, have literally missed the mark! In Deciphering the Mark of the Beast, the entire plot is exposed. You do not want to miss this! Open your eyes and behold what is playing out on the WORLD stage right here, right now!
By L. McGuire
For the Greatest Show on Earth, to be a complete success, the Third Temple in Israel must be built. This is a MUST watch! The wedding invitations have been sent out! Learn how President Donald Trump along with the Freemasons, will push for the unholy alliance. Their timetable is that the Mahdi, the Jewish and Christian Messiah will be on the world stage in 3 to 5 years.
By. L. McGuire
The last prop that will be used in THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, is the world’s largest hadron collider which is in Geneva. CERN stands for ‘European Center for Nuclear Research’ then again maybe it stands for C.E.R.N Center for Extraterrestrial Research and Neutralization. Whichever one you prefer; this gigantic machine has been the talk of numerous conspiracy theories.

By L. McGuire
I have stated throughout many FOY materials that, the satanic elite always tell the sheeple their plans before they do it! The problem is, the sheeple just do not take heed as they are too self-absorbed into this fallen world. If they get their cheap thrills, or their daily dose of pills from doctor feel good, they are content as to them ignorance is bliss! The storm is here folks, as President Donald Trump warned, plus we see their satanic announcement.
I asked you all to pay special attention to a recent movie that was released called, “The First Purge”. Remember what the Scriptures state, “The last shall be first and the first last!” (Matthew 20:16) “The First Purge” (the Apocalypse now) is really about the Last Purge against Believers.
They Live & Snakes Shed their Skin…
By L. McGuire
Now it gets interesting, as those who been fully jabbed do not have to wear masks indoor or outdoor plus no social distancing! As believers, you all must prepare now spiritually. Like never before, YOU must take action now! REPENT, HOUSE OF YISRAEL! Then RISE UP, time to become WORKERS IN YAHUWAH’S VINEYARD! Soon, YOU will be called up, to give MEAT in this SEASON!
L. McGuire
Shalom and Greetings. This is a quick video I am dedicating to all the naysayers out there. You know who you are. We know too, as you all be stumbling, walking around half dazed and confused. The wool has been pulled over your eyes. Reality is about to smack you across the face. Now, wake up! Here is more proof of what we here at the F O Y Ministry has been warning you all about before the weapon was unleashed.
“Nothing to see here if you are YTube…”
L. McGuire
Journey down the rabbit hole. Some things the you know who’s don’t want you to see or know!
“End Game”
By L. McGuire
The Satanic Elite’s agenda has always been to enslave every man, woman and child. Decades worth of planning, manipulating, brain washing by means of predictive programing is coming to fruition. The End Game is here folks!
“Heads Up!”
By. L. McGuire
Various videos that you all need to watch and take heed to! Now more than ever, you all need to be leaving the cities, villages, towns and get out dodge! They will be going door to door. Take a look at what other countries our doing, might help you get an idea of what is coming! For instance do you know what QR codes are? Well, if you don’t have one then you cannot buy or sell or own business! How do you get one? By taking the gene altering va666in! Also, learn why people who take that gene altering va666in are becoming magnetic and how this was foretold back in 1995.GGGGG and the va666in are like hammer and nails which is gonna hurt those who receive it!