Heads up, the Satanic elite are about to turn the lights out, in more ways than one. Matters are about to get very dark, so dark that the great prophet Daniel was sickened over what he saw. This is a must watch, in that their entire script will be exposed
Satan is about to pull off the Greatest Show on Earth! Everything is going down, right here right now! The entire system is collapsing! The illusion of freedom is gone! The old world is gone! The Satanist are thinning the flock in preparation for the New World Order. The man
All Followers of Yah need to comprehend what this movie, the First Purge is really all about! The First Purge movie is predictive programming. This movie is brainwashing the masses for the final purge against all Believers! The Scriptures state:
“They shall put you out of the congregations, but an hour
The top 10 Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Predictions right here right now! Some of these are very eerie. Now is also the time to prepare spiritually. Like never before, YOU must take action now! Matters are spiraling out of control on the world stage. Big changes are coming! The only
Do not be Deceived by what is playing out right now on the world stage. I warned you, years ago that every single verse, that surrounds and leads up to the Second coming of Yahushua, Satan would duplicate! It is unfolding to a T! Many are delusional in that
Proof that the Novel Coronavirus is a Military Bio Weapon!
This is a must watch for the latest developments in this ongoing pandemic.