Ruach, Ruach, not seen with naked eye
Yet felt inside; whether I laugh, or cry
You ‘touch me’; tho’ I can’t hold onto You
Still, I feel Your presence, each day anew
Ruach, Ruach, with me You abide
“Moved on in”, until, fully nestled inside
Blended with, my essence, my being
An Eternal Flame, that keeps agreeing
With the Word of YAH; His Truth confirm
And then You give more, of what I must learn
To raise me higher, than how I’m living
Truly the gift ~ that keeps on giving !
I must ‘raise’ to YAH, before He’ll come down
Then YAH’ll ‘raise me’ from this world & ground
I’m invited to be soaring; like gossamer wings
Have a heart filled with His Love ~ so ever sings
Be free like the wind, gently blow like the breeze
Hold & embrace Truth, so it’s YAH I please
When Ruach and I fully blend, we’ll soar like a kite
I’ll have become Ruach ~ emit only Pure Light