Traders World and Treasure Islands are literally across the street from each other located in Monroe Ohio. Since we were staying in the area for a few weeks, we could do both flea markets. We even had time to return for a second visit at Traders World. Again, we were surprised that so many people are full of questions. Many are eager to serve Yahuwah and His Son, Yahushua. We were blessed to spend some time fellowshipping with another called out family right at our spot! This family was so happy to see us just as we were them. I thank Yahuwah for allowing us to do this work in His great vineyard.

Sister Linda and Brother Danny at our spot.

What a beautiful day it was in Monroe, Ohio. Clear blue sky. Thank you YAH for blessing us with clear skies!

The entrance gate to Trader’s World
If you haven’t been to Trader’s World before you should check it out. They have what they call, a Safari of a place. Lots to hunt!

33 Cities, 37 stops and still counting! More to come!