We were still at the Pirate Family Resort Campground. Sister Felicia and Sister Linda decided to wear matching outfits today! White, Yellow, Blue & Green.

At our spot in the flea market.

Looking left…
And Looking right…
You didn’t quite see anything like our spot setup.
Just in case you missed us, to give
you an idea… you’d see our smiling faces standing there waiting to give you some of our free materials.
Here’s a picture.

Free DVD Orders from Early Aug 2015 (Click image for larger view)
Shalom, I am in Australia and I humbly wish to inform you that I finally received your mail (DVDS). They are so informative, inspiring, educative above all, full of truth. May Yahuwah Eloah of Yisrael keep and protect must importantly continue to use every one of you in his good work and services in Yahushua’s, name Halleluyah.
Shalom Followers of Yah,
I want to thank you for sending me a couple of DVDs some three years back.
Some include The Great Conspiracy, World War III- Gog and Magog, The Imposter, They Have Despised My Name and The Temple Builders.
They are still in good order. People have watched them some thinks that am in a cult or so. I have tried to explain to some and thinks am going mad even my own wife.
Some are beginning to understand though including my beloved daughter Naomi.
Thanks a lot for everything and may Yahuwah give you strength to teach people like my wife who are very hard to crack, she is catholic since birth.
Yours Philip.
My name is Dianna and I live in California. I received my Bible and DVD’S ( All FREE ) just this last week. I LOVE this BIBLE so much that I now want to purchase more for my family and friends. You see I am a Seventh-day Adventist and now my family and I are preparing to renounce the heresy of that church. If it wasn’t for the Followers of YAH, we would not be at this decision. We are now stepping out in faith and will NO longer be afraid of calling on Yahuah. Even my mother has noticed a difference in her prayers address to Yahuah through Yahshuah’s Name. Thank you Followers of YAH for sending me my FREE BIBLE. May YAH richly bless your ministry. I will support your ministry when I am able to. I look forward to meeting all of you when Y’shua comes to take us home.
Shalom my friends
Dianna Urbigkit.
I can’t tell you the great impact this literature has had on my soul, nor how grateful I am to learn such pristine truths. I am afraid there’s just not many people giving up the 411 pure, raw, uncut, and without no chaser these days so I am absolutely delighted to correspond with you.
“”They Have Despised My Name” arrived in our mailbox right on schedule, The Mighty One of Israel does not procrastinate. We are honored to receive the DVD. A humble thank you to F. Martin, L. McGuire, Craig Stevenson, Yahuchanan Lomas and those who gave all for its existence. The harvest is plenty, but the Labourers are few Mat 9:37, “They Have Despised My Name” was chilling and tearful to watch, but the blessing was beyond measure. Again, well done you good and faithful servant, Mat 25:21.
“Foynewsletter is just AWESOME! So much work and dedication. There is so much information with your Foynewsletter, Truly, I want to thank each and everyone.” –Richard Beaulac
“My family is responding fairly well and some friends I have known who are Christians and who have accepted me as a Messianic Believer. So, I am receiving a lot of good responses for my witness to Messiah and the F.O.Y. Ministry. Have received a lot of support from some Christian friends and a lot of family members, who are believers in the Messiah.” -Brother Perry
“Please pray for a revival in my local area of Oneida to experience an outpouring of the Ruach HaQdoesh and lead many people to know the Truth and be able to come out of the Babylonian Lifestyle. There is a great need for a lot of workers in the vineyard of Yahuwah in my local area and I pray that many more will respond to F.O.Y. Ministry as well as get copies of F.O.Y. DVDs and Free ISR Scriprures Give-A-Way. Thank you and Shalom to all my brethren!” -Brother Roger
“I am so happy to heard from you. I received your cd’s they have been so open eyes for me. Only a few will understand what it is in front of us, this is because the Ruaj of Yahuah is talking to those who need to follow Torah. Your family is an inspiration to me. Again, thank you for your encouragement to the body of Meshiah.” -Viviana
“Thank You for what your ministry is doing and all your work and care. Thank You,” -Beverly
“I would like to take the time to say thanks for all the work you do in spreading YAH’S message i know can come to this site for knowlege ,and to uplift my spirit thanks for all you do.” -Brother Joe
“Thank you very much for sending across the DVDs to me. I received them in good condition. I will circulate them to my contacts so that they may be blessed with the word. If you have any additional DVDs in the making i’ll be glad to circulate. a dear sister from Dubai, UAE
“I can NOT tell you guys how thankful I am for the information and Truth you have shown me. I know it is all from Yahuwah and I can not thank Him enough as well.”
-A Brother
“Thank You guys so very much for ALL of your information. By spreading The Truth you have helped me, my household, friends, and others learn of the Truth!!I really wish I could meet you guys in person! Oh what fun! Passover is fast approaching! Wow! Time goes so quickly!
Yes, what exciting times! I was watching more of the False Armageddon! Keeps you at the edge of your seat, and its also sad too what must happen. But Yah has His purpose yes? I love what ministry you are all doing!” -A Sister from California
“This site is a BLESSING from YAH! The info was confirmation on a lot I’ve been studying & researching… I remember reading on the 7 Congregations & I remember thinking “What was up w/the NICOLAITANS?! For Messiah to hate their doc.??” & I had already did some study on the catholic church & the zionists so… when I ran into this site I saw the “INDEPTH” Study you all did on the Doc of the Nicolaitans & I was like yes! Followers of Yah, EX Ministries & Passion for Truth Ministries all of you have confirmed alot the Ruach HaKodesh has been revealing to me.. Thanks and keep being led by the Ruach!-” -Sister Pam
“Thank you we are new to your site, and are interested in these dvds. We are sooo thankful that there are others who believe in His name and feasts ect!!! We don’t feel so alone anymore! Is there anyone in Wi that we could meet and fellowship with?? thank you very much!” -The Taylors
“I had not been on the site in a little while and I see many new things to teach the new and reinforce the seasoned believer. Your material is always well written and grounded. Seeing what’s going on in the world and how fast it’s devolving could easily make some grow cold as there’s so much fear of U S collapse. I confess I’ve been tied up in preparing and this can be all consuming but your email brought me back to where I should be as I read the new material I realize where my time should really be spent- with YHWH and Yahushua. So I thank you for being there and grounding me with your writings.” -sister Jan
“I ran across your website, I’m studying and coming into knowledge and truth about things I wasn’t aware of! I’m in my beginning stages, and I’m amazed at the things I DON’T KNOW, and I’m angry that preachers aren’t preaching the truth about the good news, names, Israel and etc. I want to read and study, everything your site has to offer. I’m hunger for the truth and I pray that The Most High guide me in this journey. Thanks for creating this site, Shalom!!! –Kita Ricardson
“Friend showed me The Imposter and it was excellent!! May Most High continue to strengthen and enlighten you and you keep seeking TRUTH – There is only ONE Most High Creator and ONE Truth!! peace,” -a brother
“You guy’s totally rock! Thank you so much!! I received my package today of not one but all of your DVD’s. Thank you, thank you, thank you and all Praise to be Yah!!! May He Bless your Ministry one hundred fold”. -Sister Carleen
“Having just come out of christian denominations,..I am thankful for this web site and the resources that it can offer for my walk into TRUTH.I would love to have all the free DVDs but dont want to be selfish or seem greedy I happened to stumble onto FollowersofYah.com while seeking information on the Sabbath”
“While I have not yet been able to get my name in the ISR Scripture Giveaway in time to receive the free scripture, I can tell you that these people are genuine. I have ordered their free DVD’s in the past and have received them at no charge, with no advertisements or strings attached. This organization is truly doing Yah’s work and are following Yahushua’s command in Matthew 10:8 “freely ye have received , freely give ” I will continue to enter my name into the ISR Scripture Giveaway, and I am 100% sure that when it is my time I will receive a free copy of the scripture. Thank you for all your efforts to make known the truth, your organization has been and continues to be a blessing to me. “-bro. Timmreck
“I have seen and listened to other websites, and FollowersofYah is truth
revealed and like no other. I thank all of you with spiritual truth of Yahuwah’s Word. I regret that I cannot support your excellent web do to my poor health, but believe me that all of you are in my prayers. -bro Beaulac Philippines
“Thanks for the DVDs you sent to me brother am really blessed by them and
the work has just started for people to know what is coming in the world Sean.
I need more materials and support for this work ,this not some thing to be
hid under the bed, brother stand with me in this work so that we may sound
the alarm to the people of this planet.
The work is going to expand here in Africa, please stand with me
brothers, send me more materials” -Brother from Africa
“this forum has been so inspiring” -Brother Jon C. (FOY Forum Member)
“I am blessed to find this group and website.” -Brother Scott R.
“If you truly are thirsty and hungry for His ways, you’re gonna find a home here. This place is anointed.” -Brother Gene S.
Shalom- Greetings !!
My friends I wish to say “thank you” to you all. It is so nice to be able to come here and fellowship with others who know The Truth. [thanks]
There has been so many good topics and threads on here lately! A lot of study going on and a lot of critical thinking and conversation. :-bd
I would like to thank Followers of Yah for their site, forum, videos, and writings. Also- everyone here on the board!!! Most of all thanks to YAHUAH for all things!!
Shalom!! -Allan3 (FOY Forum Member)
That is where this forum is such a blessing, is we have the opportunity to fellowship more often and with a enormous amount of information available through seemingly endless number of sources, which can lead to trouble we don’t all read the same information, so we as members of the same body must remember,
we must work together!!! -FOY Forum Member
“Cheers and Bless those that were led to create this site;” -FOY Forum Member
“Looking back it seems that I have been wandering in the Wilderness for something like 40 years. I believe I finally have found what I’ve been searching for.” -FOY Forum Member
“As I read through your site I felt a tremendous weight being lifted from me. In my search for the truth and how The L_rd has led me to the very same understanding that I have discovered here I realized that we are not alone, perhaps spread out but not alone. I was elated because I feel quite alienated as I literally do not know anyone around me who understands or has come to the knowledge of the truth in what is a deeper understanding.” -FOY Forum Member
“I am thrilled to have found a site of fellow believers in our G_d Yahuah and our L_rd and Savior Yahushua.” -FOY Forum Member
“How enjoyable it was to chat with FOY in faraway places, and how humble their hearts were, and how thirsty they were for for fellowship and truth,,,,,, And how I’m fighting tears back because of all this …. I have been moved by Yah this day.
-FOY Chat Member
“We have been truly blessed thru your guys’ videos and materials. Thank You. YHWH has sure blessed a lot of people thru you guys. :)” -FOY Chat Member
“Since “finding” FOY website (I am sure Ruach ha Qodesh led me to it) I have been on an incredible journey of faith. Many of the DVD’s and tracts have been copied and handed out to others. I appreciate all the info I can get from you as my husband and I are “alone” in the faith here in our area, and I enjoy the fellowship and teaching I get from FOY. Blessings and thanks.”-Judi
“I have received my DVDs. I would like to say thank you for blessing me with such critical information. I will be using the DVDs for my own education and enlightenment, as well as sharing them with others for their enlightenment as well. I will also be making an offering to your ministry in the not too distant future. Thanks and May Yah bless”.-Brother Allen
“Always a joy to receive your newsletters down here in New Zealand. Hardly any believers around, in fact there is just three of us who meet each Shabbat, but it is still a beautiful time. No one seems to want to know truth, none the less there is always hope that one day….! Thus it is so great to get your newsletters, so much info and wonderful words of life. After around 50 years in the church the last 6 years have been so refreshing, life has returned, truth has been revealed. HalleluYah. Thankyou, Yahuah bless you.-Graeches”
“Thank you for the important work you do for the body of Mashiyakh Yahushua! “ Lopez
“Your recent newsletter was an encouragement to me as the words had been on my heart. It was a type of “confirmation” through the Ruach to keep hanging in there. Just as sadness was poised to overtake me. So thank you very much. Please always remember, our good shepherd left the 99 for the 1. You have encouraged an entire family today! We stand with you! May YaHuWaH of the shamayim baruck you this day! Amein!”
“I would like to say a big thank you for the teaching videos and all the information that you have sent, it is very beneficial in teaching others the Truth I can now try and get through to my family. I love your teachings and find your posts very interesting, Thank you for being here for everyone and for doing Yahuwah’s works, many many Blessings and praying for your ministry.” – Takisha United Kingdom
“Thank you very much for sending across the DVDs to me. I received them in good condition. I will circulate them to my contacts so that they may be blessed with the word. If you have any additional DVDs in the making I’ll be glad to circulate.”
-A dear sister from Dubai, UAE
“I really wish I could meet you guys in person! Oh what fun! Passover is fast approaching! Wow! Time goes so quickly! Yes, what exciting times! I was watching more of the False Armageddon! Keeps you at the edge of your seat, and it’s also sad too what must happen. But Yah has His purpose yes?I love what ministry you are all doing!” Shalom!! I can NOT tell you guys how thankful I am for the information and Truth you have shown me. I know it is all from Yahuwah and I cannot thank Him enough as well.”
“Thank You guys so very much for ALL of your information. By spreading The Truth you have helped me, my household, friends, and others learn of the Truth!!” –Believer from California!
“This site is a BLESSING from YAH! The info was confirmation on a lot I’ve been studying & researching… I remember reading on the 7 Congregations & I remember thinking “What was up w/the NICOLAITANS?! For Messiah to hate their doc.??” & I had already did some study on the catholic church & the zionists so… when I ran into this site I saw the “INDEPTH” Study you all did on the Doc of the Nicolaitans & I was like yes! Followers of Yah, EX Ministries & Passion for Truth Ministries all of you have confirmed a lot the Ruach HaKodesh has been revealing to me.. Thanks and keep being led by the Ruach! Love, Prayers & Shalom” -Sister Pam
“Thank you at Followers of YAH for keeping guard and staying vigil to protect the Body from unnessesary attack sometimes its hard enough fighting the battle in our own flesh, we don’t need any help from those who are supposed to be our brothers and sisters on fundamental issues, praise YAH and give all glory to Him, thank you again,” -An FOY Forum Member
“followersofYah you-tube really helped me.” -An FOY Forum Member
“I have read all of your booklets and some of your studies and I thought they were awesome.” -A sister from Canada.
ITALIAN “Grazie per l’impegno che dedicate nei vostri articoli. Come già detto per me sono molto importanti e hanno dato risposta a tanti miei dubbi. Continuerò a seguirvi come sempre.”
ENGLISH: “Thanks for the effort you devote in your articles. As mentioned above are very important for me and have given an answer to many of my doubts. I will continue to follow you as always.”
“Tell you what, one of the great things about this site is the free teaching videos. You can download them and be enjoying and learning is just minutes. {no need to wait for days for your videos} And you can copy them and share with friends and family.
Be sure to watch “The Imposter” “The Great Conspiracy” and “WWIII Gog and Magog”
The Imposter is 4 1/2 hrs long Very, Very Good!
There is a 45 min teaching on the Noahide Laws included as part of The Imposter…. Very, Very Good Also” -FOY Forum Member
“FOY is a good place to fellowship and learn stuff.” -FOY Forum Member
“I’m so glad to hear there is such a site now for the real faithful called-out ones of the Most High in Mashiach. Thanks to you all for our wonderful efforts to gather Yah’s children here ! Hallelu Yah!!!”
“….long time ago, when the Messianic movement disappointed me, about 7 years ago, I found FOY, and ever since I have been in contact with the “FOLLOWERS OF YAH”…..” –FOY Forum Member
“Thanks for using the Sacred Names and avoiding the baal names. So many Messianic ministries keep on using the baal names, and it really confuses those just coming onto The Narrow Ancient Path” –FOY Forum Member
“Shalom and Thank You! I just finished watching your new DVD Imposter and was so impressed at the quality and comprehensive material that you covered. It’s truly amazing to watch. Many years ago I was in an online chat room and tried to convey that not everything in the Scriptures would be fulfilled at Messiah’s coming, but lacked the ability to sort it out. You are the ONLY ministry that has addressed that issue, i.e. The last battle.”-Sister Elizabeth
“I appreciate it very much knowing that you must be very busy as the horn of Yah is blowing across the Nations waking many of us up at this last hour or perhaps more accurately, minutes.
I can’t thank you enough for everything you have made available (for free) to help those of us who are hearing the call to come out and come home. I intend to duplicate your efforts and print/copy/distribute as much as I can to whoever I can. I sense in my spirit that time is very very short and I want to get the message out there to as many people as possible.”
–a Sister
“Hi…I accidentally just ran across your website…. WOW!!! I would so appreciate receiving a package of your books, tracts, & music… I desire to share – for sure… which will be more possible with the correct information. I so appreciate being able to receive this information, hold it in my hands to read and study and absorb – and then to share…” -Sister Jeanne
“I totally loved the idea of your guys forum since I have no one to fellowship with at all in the Name of Mashiach that is because there is lots of Christ believers and try to talk them into certain infos (like not to celebrate Christmas and birthdays and etc ) and seems to be no use, they wanna pick and choose I tell you.”
-Brother Paul
THANK YOU SO MUCH!”-Brother Paul
“Dear Followers of YAH: Thank you for your many articles and information on your website. I have studied the teachings and articles, I know many have and will continue to be blessed by your service to the King of Kings, YAHUSHUAH the MESSIAH, on this website. Please add me to your newsletter list. Thank you and Shalom.” –Brother Robert
“I was moved by how you spread the gospel through it down by explain to have good understanding of the scriptures. so I wanted to know where you have services so i can visit.”-Brother James
“Shalom, I JUST finished watching all of “The Imposter.” Oh, my! Thank you so much. I am sharing the links to this…and others that you have.”
“I also want you to know that we are enjoying your website because you have helped us, greatly. Thank you so much!!!.” –Sister Yvonne
“I am enjoying the DVD,s and the music on CD. I will begin starting tomorrow on The Great Controversy. Much is familiar but certainly not all. You and Linda, are doing such a wonderful work in teaching the truth about the Bible. Thank you so much for your website.”
-Brother Richard (Philippines)
“ The Impostor of about 5 hours then in parts, your research is just awesome. Your documentary on The Noahide Laws really got my attention. I have listened to nearly all of the DVD’s you sent me and they are just fantastic! If I were able, I would support your ministry, I truly and sincerely mean that.”
-Brother Richard
“ Shalom! I have recently visited your site in the past few weeks. I watched “The Impostor” in its entirety, and I have to admit that I am impressed with everything that you have put together on your site. I am writing because my wife and I are striving to be true to the commands of Yahuah as He put forth in the Torah, and that we are searching for fellowship with like-minded people who are searching for the same.” –Brother Edward
“You are greatly blessed for sounding the alarm! Yah loves you! Praise be to Him for your selfless work!”
“Your Email Newsletter is the only best but the most informative that I have ever read. Praise Yahuwah!” -A Follower of Yahuwah, and a friend of FOY Ministries
“Thank you for your words of encouragement in that I know I must prepare myself mentally, spiritually, and physically since we know not what conditions we will be facing as we are near to the end of this calamatis world. May Yah bless you and yours and thank you again for publishing this work as well as for your insightful perspective.”
-Sister Susan
“I have received my DVDs. I would like to say thank you for blessing me with such critical information. I will be using the DVDs for my own education and enlightenment, as well as sharing them with others for their enlightenment as well. Thanks and May Yah bless”
May Peace be always with you,
thank you very much for the time and resources you took to provide those documents for me brotherly. May Our Heavenly Father and Master Yahuwah rewards you with His fatherly blessing. Thanks!
i have received all the booklets, the CDs and DVD, you sent me. They are so useful, when one wants to now the truth about the Almighty’s plan and what is going on now in this dying world. i have read some of them, i was specially surprised and shocked by the matter about the Noahide laws. well i think i have got very much information, which need to be digested wisely in my heart. May the Elohim of Abraham helps me. I was informed the Jesuits and the pope are the real power to bring all about the last world empire of man. I know nothing, but i think they use the Jews as cover and they are the power behind the jews. Please help me in prayer, that Yahushuwah opens my eyes and my heart to see and understand the truth clearly.
Greeting from Berlin
“Having been a Christian for about 50 years, and a serious student of the Bible most of my lifetime, I have learned more from your website than any other combined.”
Have you been blessed by our Ministry? Then please leave a comment and let us know.

Click on image to view article

We, the F.O.Y. ministry are taking a nationwide tour. We will go to as many cities as we are able, having FREE Imposter showings and stopping at local fairs, flea markets, etc. We will also be giving away some free books, tracts, DVD’s and music CD’s. It’s time to invite all to hear the truth. Our desire is to go from the East Coast to the West Coast proclaiming and warning the people of the coming Strong Delusion!
If you have ever wanted to get involved in doing any type of ministry work now is your opportunity to help us. We are in need of people to help organize FREE showings in their city. These believers will help find a building for us to rent, a newspaper to promote the event and help pass out fliers announcing the event in their neighborhood. If you are interested please email us and let us know. Remember the F.O.Y. ministry is not just limited to the few workers here but this is Yahuwah’s ministry. If we the Body of Messiah work together lifting Yahushua up, think of what we can do? How many people we can reach? Since we will be doing this on faith we can only do as much as Yahuwah will allow.

Here are some of our recent tour stops:
1.Ardmore, OK
2.Gainesville, TX
3.Brookeville, IN
4.Williamstown, KY
5.Monroe, OH 1 & 2
6.Richwood, KY
7.Panama City, FL
8.Perry, FL
9.Tallahassee, FL
10.Bascom, FL
11.Dothan, AL
12.Gulf Breeze, FL
13.Mobile, AL
14.Pass Christian, MS
15.Biloxi, MS
16.New Orleans, LA
17.Gulfport, MS
18.Biloxi, MS
19.St. Louis, MS
20.Pass Christian, MS
21.Biloxi, MS
22.New Orleans, LA
23.West Monroe, LA

~The Great Tabernacle (Movie)
~The New Moon, when is it and how do we determine its time
~To Your Health – The Importance of the Dietary Laws of Lev 10
~In One’s Day
~Every Idle Word
~Blessings and Cursings
~The Most Wicked Symbol in Witchcraft

Click on image to view post

Search Newsletter

Everything playing out right here, right now on the world stage is being orchestrated to deceive you! The satanic agenda to enslave every man, woman, and child through the current mass vaccination program is being unleashed upon humanity. Brothers and Sisters, the book that the prophet Daniel was told to seal has been unsealed. Learn firsthand how the current mass vaccination agenda was foretold.

By L. McGuire
“The dark winter”, beloved ones, I feel is on the horizon! Please prepare now! This will be a double, triple, possible quadruple whammy! I’m talking, food shortages, power outages, cyber-attacks and since the sheeple has now been vaccinated, just as snakes shed their skin, they too will be shedding something!
FOY Bitchute Channel is now up and running. Come check us out over on the Bitchute Channel. We have been using the YouTube platform, in blowing the ram’s horn on the end time deception since 2007! Recently YouTube has been censoring all content. This has resulted in many of our videos being removed. This also led to our channel receiving strikes. Strikes lead to time out, where one cannot post any videos for a certain amount of time. Once our channel receives a strike, we slow up on posting. A few months ago, we had 2 strikes! When a channel receives 3 strikes within a certain amount of time, the channel is removed.
“Deciphering the Mark of the BEAST”
By L. McGuire
Many of you are about to get bit by the snake, if you do not take heed to how poisonous the snake truly is to your eternity. Most of you have only heard lukewarm, watered down versions of what the Mark of the Beast is. Those wolves in sheep’s clothing, have literally missed the mark! In Deciphering the Mark of the Beast, the entire plot is exposed. You do not want to miss this! Open your eyes and behold what is playing out on the WORLD stage right here, right now!
By L. McGuire
For the Greatest Show on Earth, to be a complete success, the Third Temple in Israel must be built. This is a MUST watch! The wedding invitations have been sent out! Learn how President Donald Trump along with the Freemasons, will push for the unholy alliance. Their timetable is that the Mahdi, the Jewish and Christian Messiah will be on the world stage in 3 to 5 years.
By. L. McGuire
The last prop that will be used in THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, is the world’s largest hadron collider which is in Geneva. CERN stands for ‘European Center for Nuclear Research’ then again maybe it stands for C.E.R.N Center for Extraterrestrial Research and Neutralization. Whichever one you prefer; this gigantic machine has been the talk of numerous conspiracy theories.

By L. McGuire
I have stated throughout many FOY materials that, the satanic elite always tell the sheeple their plans before they do it! The problem is, the sheeple just do not take heed as they are too self-absorbed into this fallen world. If they get their cheap thrills, or their daily dose of pills from doctor feel good, they are content as to them ignorance is bliss! The storm is here folks, as President Donald Trump warned, plus we see their satanic announcement.
I asked you all to pay special attention to a recent movie that was released called, “The First Purge”. Remember what the Scriptures state, “The last shall be first and the first last!” (Matthew 20:16) “The First Purge” (the Apocalypse now) is really about the Last Purge against Believers.
They Live & Snakes Shed their Skin…
By L. McGuire
Now it gets interesting, as those who been fully jabbed do not have to wear masks indoor or outdoor plus no social distancing! As believers, you all must prepare now spiritually. Like never before, YOU must take action now! REPENT, HOUSE OF YISRAEL! Then RISE UP, time to become WORKERS IN YAHUWAH’S VINEYARD! Soon, YOU will be called up, to give MEAT in this SEASON!
L. McGuire
Shalom and Greetings. This is a quick video I am dedicating to all the naysayers out there. You know who you are. We know too, as you all be stumbling, walking around half dazed and confused. The wool has been pulled over your eyes. Reality is about to smack you across the face. Now, wake up! Here is more proof of what we here at the F O Y Ministry has been warning you all about before the weapon was unleashed.
“Nothing to see here if you are YTube…”
L. McGuire
Journey down the rabbit hole. Some things the you know who’s don’t want you to see or know!
“End Game”
By L. McGuire
The Satanic Elite’s agenda has always been to enslave every man, woman and child. Decades worth of planning, manipulating, brain washing by means of predictive programing is coming to fruition. The End Game is here folks!
“Heads Up!”
By. L. McGuire
Various videos that you all need to watch and take heed to! Now more than ever, you all need to be leaving the cities, villages, towns and get out dodge! They will be going door to door. Take a look at what other countries our doing, might help you get an idea of what is coming! For instance do you know what QR codes are? Well, if you don’t have one then you cannot buy or sell or own business! How do you get one? By taking the gene altering va666in! Also, learn why people who take that gene altering va666in are becoming magnetic and how this was foretold back in 1995.GGGGG and the va666in are like hammer and nails which is gonna hurt those who receive it!