Civil war is on the way,
Prepare your heart–fast and pray,
To the media for answers do not look,
Spend time in My Presence and My Book,
Listen to My Voice and My Commandments obey,
I will hear from heaven and answer you when you pray,
I will give you instructions and tell you what to do,
Remember, My beloved, I love you,
Keep on proclaiming My Name and Besorah,(good news)
Gather My lost sheep and feed them Torah,
I AM your Shelter, High Tower, Refuge and Ark,
Abide in Me and I will be with you through the storms and the dark,
Meditate upon My promises to you in Tehillim (Psalms) 91,
Trust in Me, My child, for the battle has been won,
Be on your guard for there are those who will betray,
I told you in My Word it would be this way,
Do not fear, My child, but continue to proclaim,
Do not fear man with his guillotine and sword,
In My Father’s Kingdom there awaits for you a reward.