Everything playing out right here, right now on the world stage is being orchestrated to deceive you! The satanic agenda to enslave every man, woman, and child through the current mass vaccination program is being unleashed upon humanity. Brothers and Sisters, the book that the prophet Daniel was told to seal has been unsealed. Learn firsthand how the current mass vaccination agenda was foretold.
By L. McGuire
“The dark winter”, beloved ones, I feel is on the horizon! Please prepare now! This will be a double, triple, possible quadruple whammy! I’m talking, food shortages, power outages, cyber-attacks and since the sheeple has now been vaccinated, just as snakes shed their skin, they too will be shedding something!
FOY Bitchute Channel is now up and running. Come check us out over on the Bitchute Channel. We have been using the YouTube platform, in blowing the ram’s horn on the end time deception since 2007! Recently YouTube has been censoring all content. This has resulted in many of our videos being removed. This also led to our channel receiving strikes. Strikes lead to time out, where one cannot post any videos for a certain amount of time. Once our channel receives a strike, we slow up on posting. A few months ago, we had 2 strikes! When a channel receives 3 strikes within a certain amount of time, the channel is removed.
“Deciphering the Mark of the BEAST”
By L. McGuire
Many of you are about to get bit by the snake, if you do not take heed to how poisonous the snake truly is to your eternity. Most of you have only heard lukewarm, watered down versions of what the Mark of the Beast is. Those wolves in sheep’s clothing, have literally missed the mark! In Deciphering the Mark of the Beast, the entire plot is exposed. You do not want to miss this! Open your eyes and behold what is playing out on the WORLD stage right here, right now!
By L. McGuire
For the Greatest Show on Earth, to be a complete success, the Third Temple in Israel must be built. This is a MUST watch! The wedding invitations have been sent out! Learn how President Donald Trump along with the Freemasons, will push for the unholy alliance. Their timetable is that the Mahdi, the Jewish and Christian Messiah will be on the world stage in 3 to 5 years.
By. L. McGuire
The last prop that will be used in THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, is the world’s largest hadron collider which is in Geneva. CERN stands for ‘European Center for Nuclear Research’ then again maybe it stands for C.E.R.N Center for Extraterrestrial Research and Neutralization. Whichever one you prefer; this gigantic machine has been the talk of numerous conspiracy theories.
By L. McGuire
I have stated throughout many FOY materials that, the satanic elite always tell the sheeple their plans before they do it! The problem is, the sheeple just do not take heed as they are too self-absorbed into this fallen world. If they get their cheap thrills, or their daily dose of pills from doctor feel good, they are content as to them ignorance is bliss! The storm is here folks, as President Donald Trump warned, plus we see their satanic announcement.
I asked you all to pay special attention to a recent movie that was released called, “The First Purge”. Remember what the Scriptures state, “The last shall be first and the first last!” (Matthew 20:16) “The First Purge” (the Apocalypse now) is really about the Last Purge against Believers.
They Live & Snakes Shed their Skin…
By L. McGuire
Now it gets interesting, as those who been fully jabbed do not have to wear masks indoor or outdoor plus no social distancing! As believers, you all must prepare now spiritually. Like never before, YOU must take action now! REPENT, HOUSE OF YISRAEL! Then RISE UP, time to become WORKERS IN YAHUWAH’S VINEYARD! Soon, YOU will be called up, to give MEAT in this SEASON!
L. McGuire
Shalom and Greetings. This is a quick video I am dedicating to all the naysayers out there. You know who you are. We know too, as you all be stumbling, walking around half dazed and confused. The wool has been pulled over your eyes. Reality is about to smack you across the face. Now, wake up! Here is more proof of what we here at the F O Y Ministry has been warning you all about before the weapon was unleashed.
“Nothing to see here if you are YTube…”
L. McGuire
Journey down the rabbit hole. Some things the you know who’s don’t want you to see or know!
“End Game”
By L. McGuire
The Satanic Elite’s agenda has always been to enslave every man, woman and child. Decades worth of planning, manipulating, brain washing by means of predictive programing is coming to fruition. The End Game is here folks!
“Heads Up!”
By. L. McGuire
Various videos that you all need to watch and take heed to! Now more than ever, you all need to be leaving the cities, villages, towns and get out dodge! They will be going door to door. Take a look at what other countries our doing, might help you get an idea of what is coming! For instance do you know what QR codes are? Well, if you don’t have one then you cannot buy or sell or own business! How do you get one? By taking the gene altering va666in! Also, learn why people who take that gene altering va666in are becoming magnetic and how this was foretold back in 1995.GGGGG and the va666in are like hammer and nails which is gonna hurt those who receive it!
Shalom and Greetings! May All Called Out Ones around the world, Praise Yahuwah! We here at the FOY Ministry have some exciting news to share. We have updated our entire website! You will see the updates as we begin to publish the pages. The website needed to be update as it was outdated. The hosting kept updating which was causing our home page and other pages such as the shopping cart to disappear. This was not good but now the website will run smoother and be so much simpler for us to navigate. We deeply thank you all for your generous love offerings that made this possible. 21 years in the ministry and we have a lot of material, so this was no easy task. We deeply thank the team, that did the work for us! Many of you have been sending emails asking us how we are doing, we are doing GREAT! Thank you for caring. Even though there has not been any updates to the website, the ministry is still Blowing Ram’s Horn in this GREAT hour. We have been extremely busy with our FOY Film Productions. Along with moving all our videos onto other channels since YouTube has been deleting videos along with putting us on timeout. You can now view all FOY Film Productions right here. Due to how many video’s we have, it would have taken a very long time for s single page to load all of the video’s. For this reason we created three pages.
You can also watch All FOY Film Productions on our Bitchute channel. Please like and subscribe, that way you can receive notices of when we post new videos.
May each of you be greatly baruch. We love you all very much and pray for the Body of Mashiach to endure until the end.
New Address:
Danny McGuire
FOY Ministry
P.O. Box 1232
Gwinn, MI. 49841
Whether you are new in the Faith, or have known Yahuwah’s Truths your entire life. If you are curious or just passing though, this is the place to go. Start Learning Now! >
Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer watching videos rather than reading articles. We have an amazing growing collection of teaching videos we know you will enjoy! Start Watching! >
We have fun Scripture Activities that you can print at home and enjoy; You, Your Family, Friends and even your Fellowship Group! Let’s Get Started! >
We, the F.O.Y. ministry are taking a nationwide tour. We will go to as many cities as we are able, having FREE Imposter showings and stopping at local fairs, flea markets, etc. We will also be giving away some free books, tracts and DVDs. It’s time to invite all to hear the truth. Our desire is to go from the East Coast to the West Coast proclaiming and warning the people of the coming Strong Delusion!
We have been on tour since 2011 traveling to as many cities as we can to spread the Truth of Yahuwah, His Commands, the Message of the Messiah, Yahushua and the coming false one who will claim to be the Messiah, that one is The Imposter. Discerning the difference between Yahushua and the Imposter is very detrimental to our salvation. Would you like us to come to your city? Send us a message and we’ll look into adding you to our schedule! Would you like us to come to your area? Can you help find us a building/meeting room to rent for a showing, a flea market to setup at? Or do you just want us to come visit?
Contact Us! >
Will you be able to discern the difference? Order your free DVD about the coming Imposter today! . .
The time is coming and is now here when the secret elite will orchestrate the biggest delusion of all time. Since the beginning, the screenplay has been written, every line carefully thought out. The stage known as planet earth is going through its final transformation. The actors know their lines; they have been practicing for years. Props are about finished and the blue beams are in place. There is no shortage of extras; all want a piece of this pie! The cloned shells have been glamorized, waiting to be possessed appearing as messengers of light. The last make-up call will soon be heard as the wolves scramble to put on the sheep’s clothing. The fence… completely empty, because the lukewarmers are starting to get cold. The directors are working out the last flaws while the world leaders give their allegiance. . .
The World is Ready, Are You?!?